Our Management Team

Our Team is the keystone of the project. Exterior Plus is leaded by highly experienced professionals with a succesful career in Out of Home Media. A proactive, dynamic and passionate group to offer the best service.

Throughout their careers, this team has worked for the most important OOH companies and also in other media, which guarantees a deep knowledge of advertising market. Complementary profiles with international experience. Many years of career gathered on a board at the service of institutions, media agencies and customers.

Antonio Alonso
Antonio Alonso is the Chairman of the Board of Exterior Plus, non-executive. He is also an European Senior Advisory Board member at HIG Capital, with focus on the TMT sector. In addition, he is a board member at El Comercio in Peru, a GAR Board member at IE, a YPO member and an active business angel for start-ups. Antonio was the President & CEO of CBS Outdoor International, one of the global OOH Media leaders and part of global media giant CBS Corporation. Within CBS, he also developed roles as International Chief Development Officer, CEO for South America or Managing Director in Spain. Other managerial roles include his work as Group Chief Revenue Officer at Grupo PRISA , and Managing Director of Nefitel (now Telefonica stores). He worked also in management positions for IRI, Motorola or Carrefour.
Antonio AlonsoChairman of the Board

The Management Team

Profiles of excellence for OOH

Our highly experienced team combines members with a long career in Out of Home with cross media profiles to provide exceptional solutions for our business partners.

Piedad Siegfried
Piedad has over 20 years experience of media, specialising in Out of Home, with more than 15 years of background. She began her career at Movierecord, where she worked as Product Manager. Afterwards, she worked for JCDecaux Spain, where she headed up the Transport Marketing Division and set up a brand experience team. Her last experience before Exterior Plus was as Sales Director at Clece OOH for more than six years.
Piedad SiegfriedSales & Marketing Director
Iñaki Fernández
Iñaki Fernández has over 20 years of professional experience. He has worked as Chief Financial Officer for 5 years at Clear Channel Spain and afterwards also as CFO for Clear Channel Chile. Previously, he worked as CFO for companies like Coto y Data or Obras y Decoración Yugo. His last experience before working for Exterior Plus was as Central Services Corporate Director for Grupo Ullastres.
Iñaki FernándezChief Financial Officer, Management Control & Information Tecnology
Andrés Serrano
Andrés has over 30 years of OOH operating experience, a key service for agencies, advertisers and institutions. He is a Technical Engineer in Public Works from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. In his early days as a professional he worked for Grupo Dragados for 7 years. After that, he joined Publimedia as the Operations Director for more than 13 years before arriving to Exterior Plus as Technical Director.
Andrés SerranoOperations Director
Verónica Núñez
Veronica has a consolidated experience in OOH media. She has an Administration and Business Management Degree and began her career in CBS Outdoor, where she spent more than 10 years in several positions within the Asset Management Department in either Spain and France; afterwards she joined PSI Advertising in London to broaden her knowledge about advertising market with an agency point of view.
Verónica NúñezAsset Management Director
Óscar Llorens
Óscar has a long experience in OOH Media. He has spent the last 25 years working for Impursa (currently Exterior Plus) and more than 15 years focused on business development with municipalities and different governances. In his early days he was manager of Levante area and, afterwards, he worked with a national approach. These last years, Óscar has developed a detailed knowledge about OOH market and, in particular, he is an expert on Institutional Relations and business growth.
Óscar LlorensDirector of Institutional Relations
Raquel Sanjuán
Raquel has over 15 years of experience as a lawyer. She has worked for 11 years at Redext Group where se was Legal Director. For the last 4 years, she works in the same position for Exterior Plus.
Raquel SanjuánLegal Director
María Martino
María's career is over 20 years of experience. She has worked for companies like RACE before working at Exterion Media Spain as Fiscal Manager. She has also worked as Controller for Clece before joining Exterior Plus.
María MartinoAdministration Director
Pirineos Avenue 7, 3rd floor. +34 91 623 82 07
Federación de Empresas de Exterior